via Luigi Einaudi, Rovigo ( Ro ), Italy
+39 345 7343689


Research for everyone!

L’Intelligenza Artificiale incontra la cultura e l’ambiente: due mondi in evoluzione

La sostenibilità culturale ed ambientale è un fattore di vitale importanza nella vita dell’uomo, soprattutto in questa fase di grandi evoluzioni tecnologiche. L’Intelligenza Artificiale può essere applicata a questi ambiti, coadiuvando l’educazione, la condivisione, la creazione di nuove interfacce uomo-macchina e la gestione di enormi quantità di dati. Tutto questo favorirà la crescita delle persone,…
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Pluggy & Vakalo Art & Design College

Pluggy & Vakalo Art & Design College organised the most #creative and #fun exhibition ever! Something to remember for sure! Thank you for being there everyone! #culturalheritage

COWM Venice

What better way than play? Stefano Tamascelli explains Public partecipation strategies: Gamification for Citizen Observer.

Scent Danube Delta pilot

Have a look at some of the great pictures taken by Scent volunteer Doru Spac at one of our recent demonstrations on the Danube Delta.

GEOWeek18 in Kyoto, Japan

The Scent project and its applications were on display by poster and presented by AmditisA today at GEOWeek18 in Kyoto, Japan.

Scent campaign in Kifissos

Getting ready for the next Scent campaign in Kifissos, Attica. Scientists from ICCS are getting data from installed hydrometric stations. Let’s see what our citizen scientists will deliver next week!

PIOP’s Siversmithig Museum in Ioannina

PIOP’s Siversmithig Museum in Ioannina (Greece) is hosting the Augmented Reality features developed within the PLUGGY_EU project. In Silversmithing Museum the visitors can find an interesting temporary exhibition where he can experiment the Augmented reality applied to some old weapons. If you are around, we suggest you visit this amazing museum from 18th to 27th…
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Community of Practice – WeObserve

On 6 June the first three CoPs (Community of Practice) set by the WeObserve project took place at the University of Geneva. The WeObserve project launched three workshops about the dissemination activities, in order to involve the members of H2020 projects related to Citizen Observatories. XTeam was honoured to participate to two workshops, representing the…
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3DTI – Nordic Game Malmo Sweden

The Nordic Game Malmo ( Sweden ) is opening its doors to 3D Tune-In on 23th-25th May 2018. The game conference will host the 3D Tune-In stand. The aim of this project, supported by the EC H2020 ICT programme, is to utilize Virtual Reality and 3D gaming technologies to support hearing impaired users and enable…
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SCENT Meeting IBM Center Bruxelles

SCENT review meeting was held on 17 May in Bruxelles.